Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab. List #3:

*Acerbity: sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste.

*Attrition: a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength

*Bromide: a platitude or trite saying

*Chauvinist: a person who  believes one gender is superior to another.

*Chronic: constant; habitual; inveterate

*Expound: to explain/interpret

*Factionalism: self-interested; partisan

*Immaculate: spotlessly clean

*Imprecation: a curse

*Ineluctable: incapable of being evaded

*Mercurial: animated; lively

*Palliate: try to make better with excuses; apologies

*Protocol: customs and regulations dealing with international affairs

*Resplendent: gleaming; splendid

*Stigmatize: a mark of disgrace

*Sub rosa: confidentially; secret; privetly

*Vain glory: vain of how good you are at something; cockiness

*Vestige: evidence of something that doesn't exist anymore

*Volition: the act of willing; choosing; resolving

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