*acumen: keen insight; shrewdness--That was great ACUMEN in this problem we are facing.
*adjudicate:To settle or determine and issue judicially--We need to ADJUDICATE this issue right away.
*anachronism:Something or someone that is not in correct historical or chronological time--The bow and arrow is an ANACHRONISM to modern day war.
*apocryphal:Of doubtful authorship or authenticity--The man told an APOCRYPHAL story that was later proven wrong.
*disparity:Lack of similarity or equality--Every person has a DISPARITY in the time and date they were born.
*dissimulate: to disguise or conceal under false appearance--My friend DISSIMULATE(ed) my beliefs.
*empirical:Depending on personal experiences or other stories (no facts)--The polotition couldn't back up his statements because he shared EMPIRICAL stories.
*flamboyant:strikingly bold or brilliant--The FLAMBOYANT object at the beach caught everyone's eyes.
*fulsome:offensive to good taste--This main course is FULSOME.
*immolate:to sacrifice--We chose the lamb to IMMOLATE for the Lord.
*imperceptible:Very slight; not perceptible--The note was IMPERCEPTIBLE and hard to read.
*lackey:A servile follower; toady.
*liaison:Communication between units of the armed forces to make sure things are going well--The captain LIAISON(ed) with the leutenit about their next attack.
*monolithic:Consisting of one piece--The stone was MONOLITHIC.
*mot juste:the appropriate word or expression--That was a MOT JUSTE for this time and place.
*nihilism:Total rejection of established laws and institutions--We proposed our ideas to the board but they NIHILISM(ed) it.
*patrician: a person of noble or high rank--The PATRICIAN walked right past the poor man and didn't even acknowledge him.
*propitiate:appease--to get the president to like you you need to PROPITIATE and suck up to him.
*sic: to attack--The man told his dog to SIC the bad guys.
*sublimate:to make nobler and purer--We need to SUBLIMATE this generation.
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